Thursday, May 22, 2008

About me

So here I am. After my first two rather unconventional (or so I have tried to make them, and believe them to be so. I wouldn't really know because I am not really an avid blog reader... waise enough of this bracket anyway, let me close it) posts, I guess I should provide my readers(0 and counting) some insight about who is this idiot crapping all over cyberspace.

Well, my name is Arjun P. Kamath, born in Mangalore, and brought up in Goa....(you can now close your mouths, and no I haven't done of the "things" you are sure I have, and nor do I have any of the vices that you have so quickly associated with me, because of my location). I don't drink, I am celibate(regrettably), and I consider myself to be a decent guy. Academically, I have been very well appreciated, and am presently studying at BITS-Pilani (which a lot of you ill-witted morons wouldn't know about, but which I could easily say is one of India's finest Institutions). I absolutely adore BITS and anything remotely associated with it. (More on this later)

I am not going to say that I am a gifted writer(among my many qualities honesty is one I hold very dear to me) but a compulsive one. What I am writing here is not out of sheer love or passion but deliberation and curiosity. I hope that this blog can be 'my thing'-pure and unspoiled by anyone but me. I am not trying to change the world through this blog. I have tried and failed many-a-time. All I want is to be heard and criticized-yes, criticized because only then does one truly get to know oneself and the world around. We speak our mind the most when we are at our most critical.(Hope that statement would pass my English Grammar teacher.)

Something more about the blog. Whatever I write is directly from my heart(though medically impossible, I think you get the cliche), I don't press the backspace key too often except for spelling mistakes (which I hate, and hate even more those who blog without regard for the written word, "If you can't spell, you can't write either", if you do find spelling errors here, please point them out to me :) ) You will also realize that a lot of things here in my blog, don't really make sense or are just totally disconnected. Don't worry, that is on purpose. Most of that is my attempt at shrewd sarcastic humour (Read my first two posts and you will know). If you don't get it you had better find someone who can offer you some more "obvious" humour, but if you do like it, please stay, cause we could have some fun. Also I love playing with parentheses and am obsessed with self-improvement(both of which must already be obvious to you by now).

I also play around with a little HINDI words here and there(if you find that irritating(more than the rest, relatively) I will stop).

If you have reached here. Well, thank you for your patient reading. Please do comment, and give me the link to your blogs, I will surely reciprocate the gesture.


  1. hey..i liked ur blg..u write well..keep writing!

  2. JP , do one thing , link my blog to yours and I will do the same :p ..tht is called indirect publicity!!

    By the way accha likha hai , looking forward to more o fyour posts! way to go junna!


  3. Chahta kya hai - DHall

  4. i hope u really mean it when u say u'r still pure and unspoilt or whatever :P


About Me

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I am Arjun P. Kamath, and I am a nice guy to know.